Saturday, October 2, 2021

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Internet of Things

                Radiofrequency identification (RFID), multiple types of sensors including laser and GPS devices, and other hardware-based data sensors typically make up the components in the Internet of Things (IoT). The industry standard has set universal protocols where various items make up an ecosystem from an internet-based infrastructure that exchanges data through various communication channels that foster smart object relationships that are used for identifying, locating, monitoring and tracking. Xia et al. (2012) state that If we keep in mind that the "things" in the Internet of Things are not everything in the conventional sense. Then we must infer that the "things" in this situation must satisfy the following requirements:


1. a receiver with relevant data

2. a data transmission channel

3. a specific storage function

4. a central processor

5. an operating system

6. A unique application is required

7. be a data transmitter

 8. use the Internet of Things' communication protocol

 9. have a unique identifier (think IP or MAC address)

                 IoT may be classified into three different areas. The Internet of Things is categorized into separate layers: a core and an access layer.  Wortmann and Flüchter (2015) assert that the software (core layer) consists primarily of an application service layer, with a network transmission layer and a perceptual control layer in the hardware layer. Hardware sensors, gateways, nodes, and terminals are all part of the perception control layer. Sensor and mobile networks might be included in the network transmission layer. To administer and maintain IoT operations and particular duties for end-users, the internet, data centers, and software is written in multiple languages are used.

Forces that Affect Internet of Things

                Compliance Governance - When a new technology emerges, radicalism from the industry's early adopters will frequently stand in stark contrast to the lag of regulation and governance. In the early days of new technologies, the industry's technical force was concentrated on innovation, and supervision was minimal. As this type of invention and application spreads, the many risks posed by the new technology will become more apparent.

                Data privacy has become a severe concern in the online world in the past three years, with numerous user data leaks or abuses, most notably the Facebook security breach, which drew worldwide attention. Every Internet company and organization has amassed a vast amount of user information. When phrases like "thousands of people and thousands of faces" and "tailored recommendations" become spokespeople for Internet corporations' technological prowess, it also means that each of us is "naked" in front of their cameras.

                Almeida et al. (2015) discovered that the regulatory/legislative governance proposal claims increased robust data privacy requirements going forward, and users' sensitive data will be exposed to increased scrutiny. IoT regulations imposed two years ago have become a significant force in terms of IoT data compliance management and governance.

                Protective measures - As IoT devices' costs and associated infrastructures continue to plummet, businesses' use of IoT devices will continue to rise. Williams et al. (2016) suggest that businesses and organizations focus more on safeguarding IoT protocols and infrastructures. Security software will become a critical force that will affect IoT's evolution and be a crucial component to help secure sensor data in the future.

                At the same time, sensor-level security paradigms will also become popular, especially for IoT platforms encompassing compassionate data. A fundamental approach is to leverage trusted OS and middleware through the sensors whenever possible to help alleviate unwanted attacks and decrease threats. However, the openness of IoT hardware and software is more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Fundamental verticals such as health care, aviation and finance, and transportation will need to embrace security-centric IoT methods to ensure that the growth of the technology does not extend the security required to protect its host.





Almeida, V. A., Doneda, D., & Monteiro, M. (2015). Governance challenges for the Internet of Things. IEEE Internet Computing, 19(4), 56-59.


Williams, M., Nurse, J. R., & Creese, S. (2016). The perfect storm: The privacy paradox and the Internet-of-Things. 2016 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES),


Wortmann, F., & Flüchter, K. (2015). Internet of things. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3), 221-224.


Xia, F., Yang, L. T., Wang, L., & Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of things. International journal of communication systems, 25(9), 1101.



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